
Mikes Movie Search

This site is designed to help the client search for a movie or tv show and directs them to the streaming service that is offering that show or movie.

Languages Used

  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • CSS 3
  • HTML 5


Site used to display parks from any given state, with useful facts and links to the park's home page.

Languages Used

  • JavaScript
  • CSS 3
  • HTML 5

Image Click Game

This site gives the user a table of images and directions to try and click on each different image no more than once. Once an image is clicked, the entire table is rearranged in a random order, and if the same image is clicked twice, the score is set back to zero.

Languages & Frameworks Used

  • React.js
  • JavaScript
  • CSS 3
  • HTML 5
  • JSX

Giphy Image Search

This site allows users to search for a list of GIF images populated from the Giphy API. Images can be clicked to show the animation, and clicked again to stop animation.

Languages Used

  • JavaScript
  • JQuery
  • CSS 3
  • HTML 5
  • AJAX